Please join us for a special film viewing on Thursday, October 26, 7:30 p.m., at the First United Methodist Church. Jojo Gabuya, student from Pacific School of Religion, will show a 30-minute video, “Safe and Moral? War, Peace, Drone Warfare, and the Religious Community” and lead us a discussion afterward.
The Interfaith Network on Drone Warfare produced the video to provide communities an introduction to the history, nature, use, and moral challenges posed by drone warfare. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, (U.S. Army, retired,) former Chief of Staff for Gen. Colin Powell; Dr. Mary Ann Cusimano Love, Catholic University; Diane Randall, Friends’ Committee on National Legislation; Andrea Prasow, Human Rights Watch; and Jamal Jaffer, Columbia Law School offer their expert insights. Religious leaders from the Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Sikh, and Jewish traditions share their faith traditions’ views of drone warfare. The video also describes the challenges drone operators face.