Richmond First United Methodist News and Events
Pastor’s Perspective
Dear Friends,
I am taking it easy as I recover from surgery. My ankle was fused last Thursday. I will be using crutches for six weeks. I will get to worship and choir practice, and all other required duties. I am not in pain thanks to Tylenol and Alleve.
My sermon last Sunday was a series of readings from Matthew 5 and 6, The Sermon on the Mount. Jesus teaches us to love our enemies, a timely and difficult lesson.
Grace and Peace,
Joys and Concerns
Pasto Dan had ankle fusion surgery on November 19. He is doing well and is pain free! He will need to be using crutches for 6 weeks to keep weight off his foot. He appreciates your prayers and warm wishes for healing. Cards: 226 Nicholl Ave., Point Richmond, 94801.
Mayor Tom Butt and Shirley are off to Paris for two weeks for the international conference on climate control. Let’s wish them a safe journey, time for fun and a productive conference outcome.
Linda Andrew-Marshall had a knee replacement surgery on November 12 and your prayers for healing are welcome. Cards: PO Box 70222, Point Richmond, 94807. She is home with her son, Aaron, helping her out as well as the help of Kaiser Home Health Care. She had increased swelling in her knee and went to Kaiser to have it checked out. Turns out she needs to keep her leg higher and once she did this, the swelling is going down. She thanks everyone for their cards and food and prayers.
Linda WoodyWood is having hip replacement surgery on Wed., December 2. Once she has recovered let’s pray that she will be pain free. Cards may be sent to Linda at 5584 Circle Drive, El Sobrante, CA 94803.
Susan Wickesser, Doris Swope’s niece, has been cancer free for two years and living life to the fullest. She has just sent a message that new tumors have been found on her lungs. She has started chemotherapy. Please remember her in prayer for healing.
Pat Dornan can use your prayers and support as she grieves the loss of her beloved Linda.
Our dear church friend, Pat King, is sending thanks for the warm wishes and prayers for her recovery. She has been asked to play the keyboard for the current musical at the Masquers Playhouse and is finding it a joyful experience but it takes most of her energy.
Kathe Kiehn is asking for healing prayers for her daughter, Karen Gagnier. Karen has survived breast cancer once and is now facing treatment for a new aggressive cancer in her other breast. Karen is currently undergoing a 5-6 week course of chemo and once that is completed she’ll have a second round with different drugs. She is trying to live her life as normally as possible and your prayers are welcome.
Please keep Katherine Parker, our missionary, and the people of Nepal in your prayers.
Deby McFadyen is requesting prayers for two young friends who are battling cancer. Please remember Sarah Talkington and Jimmy Lowe in your prayers.
Helen Wysham welcomes your prayers for healing and gaining strength. Chemotherapy has been completed!
Camp Liberty Update: Missiles landed in Camp Liberty on Thursday killing 23 people and injuring many others. The injured have been taken to Baghdad hospitals for care. Our State Department and the United Nations are condemning the attack, but it is unclear what action may take place.
Pay/Pal is here! Our website, now has a donation tag that takes you to PayPal. The Home Page does not have it, but any page for the news or events has it listed on the right-hand side of the page. Just scroll down to Donate. This makes it easy for when you miss church, you can still participate by giving.
Katherine Parker, missionary in Nepal: Katherine reports that Nepal is in a political/governmental crisis. They recently passed a new Constitution and a minority group near India is protesting discrimination and stopping the delivery of oil from India, needed for heating as winter approaches. There have been riots and police killings of insurgents. So far most of the difficulty has not been in Katmandu where Katherine is except for workers striking.
We are continuing to move ahead with plans for the long-term financing of our church for generations to come through an Endowment program.
Anyone can give an endowment gift. Any size gift may be made as an endowment. You may do this now or as part of your estate.
Imagine No Malaria continues to need your donations.
November is warm socks month! Please bring your new warm socks for the people at the Richmond Rescue Mission. There will be a basket near the altar for your donations.
Sunday, November 29 is a Special Sunday: Student Day. Your gifts will help to provide college scholarships and loans for people who are in need and entering the ministry or associated service professions.
Tuesday, December 1: Giving Tuesday. Matching funds for gifts:
Thursday, December 3: Dinner/Theater. Dinner at Hotel Mac and Theater at the Masquers Playhouse for the musical “The World Goes ‘Round”. Songs by Kander and Ebb the men who created Cabaret and Chicago. Save the date and invite friends! Tickets are $55. Dinner at 6 pm, Theater at 8 pm. Contact Jean Reynolds for tickets at 510 734 3942 or Let’s have a sell-out event! Please see attached.
Saturday, December 5, 1 pm: Annual All Church Conference, held at El Sobrante United Methodist Church. Bridges District Superintendent, Rev. Schuyler Rhodes will preside. All are welcome. 670 Appian Way, El Sobrante.
Friday, December 11, 7:30 pm, Point Richmond Acoustic Presents Maria Muldaur, legendary Blues and Americana performer. She is presenting a special “Christmas at the Oasis” holiday show, backed by some of the best Bay Area musicians. First United Methodist Church, 201 Martina St., Point Richmond. Advance tickets $20 through or $25 at the door. Tickets are going quickly and they expect a sell out, so get your tickets quickly.
Saturday, December 12, 4:30 pm, United Methodist Women’s Annual Christmas Party and Dinner. Kristi Johnson is hosting at her home 1317 Ptarmigan Drive #6, Walnut Creek. Please let Kristi know what you can bring. The ham is provided by UMW and the rest is up to us. If you would like to bring gifts for the Rescue Mission, please do so. Doreen Leighton will be taking her van to car pool. Let her know if you would like a ride. Kristi’s phone number: 925 787-1235. All are welcome.
Saturday, December 19, 9 am-3 pm: Annual Bake and Crafts Sale. Bring your baked goodies for sale by 9 am, open for donations at 8:30 am. Donations for the crafts can be given to Barbara Haley any time. Point Richmond Community Center.
Thursday, December 24,7 pm: Christmas Eve Jazz Service featuring the Dan Damon Quartet and Friends. Free will offering. Come early to get a good seat.