Richmond First United Methodist News and Events
Pastor’s Perspective
Dear Friends,
We heard a sermon from John-David Webster last week, and this week Jean Reynolds will be leading the service. I will be sharing my gifts with the Patterson Federated Church. Eileen and I are reading Lenten devotions at breakfast, using a guide called “Seek God for the City.” Tikiko, the pastor at St. Luke’s gave us a copy when we were there for Ash Wednesday. Using that guide, we are praying for all the countries of the world during Lent. I am looking forward to Easter in the Garden, and the whole morning celebration. Thank you for your faithfulness to our church and our ministries.
Love and Hope,
Joys and Concerns
Mid Received a call on 3/9l from Joanne Cheyne saying her sister, Betty Ellis, died. She lived in Issaquah, WA.
Joanne commented that Betty loved this church where she was once a member. She taught Sunday School, played the church piano, sang in the Choir active and Joanne repeated, “She loved this church”. Refer to page 119 in Point Faithful, the 100 year history of this church.
Joanne is asking for prayers for Betty.
Lauren McLeod welcomes your prayers for healing.
Sandra Kokoruda (Fran Smith’s daughter) up date: Sandra thanks everyone for their prayers and concerns. Fran reports that Sandra is more animated and cheerful than she has been in months. Sandra has undergone 3 chemo treatments and feels good. Both Fran and Sandra ask that prayers continue.
Molly Smith is requesting prayers for her brother who has been treated for a brain tumor for several years and has recently entered the Hospice program. Prayers for his family and her brother as they go through this very difficult time.
Deby McFadyen is asking for prayers for her father, Jack McFadyen, who has lung cancer. Currently he is doing well.
Pat Dornan and Linda Pereira continue to need your prayers of support and healing. Update: Linda was hospitalized this week for tests because of a decline in consciousness and inability to move her legs. She is now alert but her brain and legs don’t seem to be connecting. She may return home this weekend with increased attendant care.
Robbie Robinson would appreciate your prayers.
Helen Wysham welcomes your prayers for healing as she undergoes chemotherapy.
Bobby and Pamella Hall would like to be remembered in prayer as they go through some difficult personal times.
Arpha MacIntyre is requesting prayers as she comes to the end of her life with a terminal illness. Arpha played the piano at our church for many years. If you wish to send a card: Sierra View Homes Retirement Community, 1155 E. Springfield Ave., Reedly, CA 93654.
Please keep the people of Camp Liberty in your prayers as chaos reigns in Iraq and near the camp.
Missionaries Larry and Jane Kies have sent a letter from Africa. Please see attached.
Beginning Sunday, February 15 we will be honoring the memory of Helen Valentine with donations of your coins, checks or paper money to enable the children of the church to make a donation to the Heifer Project. We will be collecting through March 14. bring your coins, Norm Reynolds loves to roll them up for deposite in our Heifer Fund. March 15 is the last Sunday, so bring your coins!
Imagine No Malaria receives a “Superhero Award” from the Rotarians Action Group on Malaria at the annual meeting of the Alliance for Malarial Prevention in Geneva, Switzerland. Imagine No Malaria, the only faith based organization to receive the Superhero Red Cape, was recognized for its efforts in reaching rural and hard-to-reach areas with its prevention methods. The award honors the size, breadth and ongoing dedication of the UMC’s work in which thousands have donated, resulting in thousands of children’s lives saved.
United Methodist Women are starting a collection for 10 School Kits. There will be a box in Friendship Hall for your donations. Lists of needed supplies will also be in Friendship Hall for pick up. Remember that you can only donate things that are on the list or UMCOR will remove them. Linda Woody-Wood is generously going to sew the school bags for us again. We would like to have our kits packed up and ready to go to the Annual Conference in June. Update: Rulers have been purchased so cross them off your list.
One Great Hour of Sharing is coming March 15. This special Sunday donation goes to support the administrative costs for UMCOR which allows all the donations to UMCOR to be used for the needy.
Pastor Brian Adkins from Open Door UMC has sent this message.
The director of Children’s Ministries at Open Door, Liza Schlosser, is heading to Palestine with deacon Mike Friedrich, et al. I’m sending along her fund raising information in case you have someone in your congregation who is passionate about the cause and cannot go on the trip but would like to help a young person get there.
I’ve copied Liza, in case you or others want to reach out to her.
Here’s the link to her fundraising page:
Don’t forget that donations for Imagine No Malaria are always welcome.
Beginning Sunday, February 15 thru March 15, we will be collecting coins and other forms of money, in memory of Helen Valentine and contributing the donations to buy animals or plants chosen by the children in the church for Heifer International.
Saturday, March 14, Annual Sweetheart Dinner: Heinz Lankford and Kathe Kiehn will be installed as our new sweethearts for 2015. Come and celebrate with us. Gathering music at 6:30 pm and dinner at 7 pm. San Pablo Yacht Club, 700 W. Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond. Tickets are $50 and reservations through Fran Smith at Mail checks to Fran at 2149 Beaujolais Ct. Fairfield, CA 94533. See attached flyer.
Sunday, March 15 Special Sunday. Your special donations for One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday go to pay the administrative costs for UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). This ensures that the gifts you give to UMCOR all go to help those in need.
Tuesday, March 17, 9:30 am, Church Women United will be meeting at Easter Hill UMC, 2911 Cutting Blvd., Richmond. Gather at 9:30, meeting at 10 am, “World Day of Prayer”. Contact Jean Reynolds at 510 734 3942 or for more information.
Saturday, March 21, 10 am to 12 pm, United Methodist Women are meeting with Lara Choe to discuss a Korean Tea in the fall. We will meet at Doreen Leighton’s home, 236 Castro St., Point Richmond.
Friday, March 27, 7:30 pm, PRJazz presents Christian Howes. Christian is a renowned violinist, performer and educator. he was nominated for Violinist of the Year, placed first in Downbeat Critics Poll, headlined six concerts at Lincoln Center and has toured internationally. First United Methodist Church, 201 Martina St., Point Richmond. Tickets $15 in advance, $20 at the door, For tickets and more info: The Workshop will be Friday, March 27, 4pm at the church address. to sign up for the workshop:
Good Friday Service, April 3, 7:30 pm
This year the churches of our Circuit will be observing Good Friday at El Sobrante UMC. The service will feature a mass choir and “Golgatha,” a dramatic interpretation of the passion of our Lord. The drama involves 8 characters and a narrator. Those interested in participating in this dramatic interpretation are invited to contact Noel Stout,, 510-754-1503. El Sobrante UMC, 670 Appian Way, El Sobrante.
Easter Sunday, April 5: 8 am garden service, 9 am free community breakfast, 10 am Sunday School and 11 am service with choir.
Saturday, April 11, 9 am- 1 pm, CA/NV United Methodist Women Legislative Event presents “Seeds of Peace: Alternatives to Violence”. The focus issues is Peaceful Alternatives to Violence with Police Chief Ed Medina from our Richmond Police Dept. speaking. Affecting Change with Domestic Violence Offenders with Donna Pedroza who is working with domestic violence felons through restorative justice methods to help the healing. Registration deadline April 5. First United Methodist church, 2100 “J” Street, Sacramento. Car pool if enough people are interested in attending. Cost $15. Registration forms in Friendship Hall.
Save the Date: Saturday, May 16, 10 am to 3 pm, District Conference. Location to be announced. Rev. Schuyler Rhodes has sent this reminder. The Conference includes a Mission Fair with displays by local churches, a fair trade marketplace, training opportunities for Staff-Parish Relations Committee Members, Trustees, church council and more. Plus a briefing on legislation coming up at the Annual Conference.
Save the Dates: June 14-20 for Mt. Lassen Journey Farthest Out Camp. The camp provides a time apart for spiritual growth and opening our lives to God physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The vision is to provide a place where all people are accepted with the unconditional love that Jesus shares. All ages are welcome. Registration is open through “Mt. Lassen JFO”.
The Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) is meeting in San Antonio, Texas in conjunction with the Reconciling Ministries Network. Gather at the River, Thursday, August 6 to Sunday, August 9. The conference will be working on issues of justice throughout the church and issues they would like to see presented at the General Conference in 2016. Register at
Please send submissions for FUMC News and Events to Barbara Haley, editor:
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