Richmond First United Methodist News and Events
Pastor’s Perspective
Dear friends,
Here are my sermon notes from Sunday. I will be teaching a membership class during the summer. If you are interested in joining the church (or just curious) please come to the Adult Bible Study that meets every Sunday at 10 am. I will start membership classes June 28. I miss only two Sundays this summer (July 12 and 19) so with those exceptions, I will be happy to talk about the United Methodist Church with you. We will welcome new members in September.
Share the good news with some one you care about. Invite someone to church for the Father’s Day Jazz Service.
Love and Joy,
Who Is My Neighbor? Mark 3:20-35
Pastor Dan Damon, Richmond 1st UMC, 6-7-15
Dennis Johnson played a lovely solo piano recital here yesterday to benefit Spirit in Action. Do you remember hearing about Spirit in Action last fall from the director, Tanya Cothran? I hope we’ll hear her again this fall when she comes out from Toronto to help her folks at the Dickens Fair. As a small church in a lovely neighborhood we are always looking for ways to reach out in concern and service to the world. Supporting Spirit in Action is one of the ways we do that. The concert yesterday raised money [$1,153] for small grants to people who are starting small businesses mostly in Africa. We heard about some of the work yesterday somewhere between Beethoven and Ravel.
Retell the Scripture Story
Today Jesus’ message is a bit awkward. We have old school language about demons and Satan. Is there a profound reality here waiting to be freed form layers of tradition? Jesus takes these things seriously. The tensions between Jesus and the religious authorities were heating up. People were saying, “Jesus has gone out of his mind.” In response to this accusation Jesus “called them out” and answered the accusers with a parable:
How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself if cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.”
Jesus was trying to do some good in the world of his time. As always, there were some who stood on the side throwing the stones of false accusations. But Jesus continued his good work in their midst, showing that good works for good and evil comes to evil. That is the nature of things.
In the church we try to work together to make small improvements over time to benefit our worshiping community and those who are outside these walls. We try to model good behavior so that others will be drawn to us, and will choose that good behavior for themselves. Are you with us or against us in your speaking and in your actions? Let us ignore the false accusations of the story regarding Jesus and later the Holy Spirit, and move into the final question of our gospel lesson:
Jesus is told, “Your mother and your brothers and sisters are outside asking for you.” And Jesus replied, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking around him, Jesus said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.”
Question: Who is my brother [sister]?
Answer: The one who acts like my brother [sister].
This is a difficult passage, rooted in conflict and danger. It reminds us of the difficulty of following Jesus, but it also reminds us of the great possibilities that we can glimpse in prayer and hope. If we have only the smallest amount of faith, great results can pour out like streams in the desert.
Tanya Cothran of Spirit in Action <> Micro Grants, Major Change offers these five “Why I Serve” insights:
Serve to discover abundance: the radical shift from “me” to “we.”
Serve to express gratitude.
Serve to transform yourself.
Serve to honor our profound inner connection.
Serve to align with a natural unfolding.
We have the privilege to be used as yeast, as salt, to be a quickening Spirit revealed in loving action now Seizing this privilege to be God’s yeast in the world is part of the natural unfolding of expanding compassion in the world.
As Martin Luther King, Jr. often quoted, ”The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”
Serving for us can be reaching up and grabbing that arc and bending justice a bit closer to the now.
What inspires you to serve others?
Let us act like we are brothers and sisters in Christ, loving each other and caring for the world around us. Quoting John Wesley, founder of Methodism, in closing:
Let us do all the good we can, by all the means we can, in all the ways we can, in all the places we can, to all the people we can, as long as ever we can.
Let us be in prayer.
Joys and Concerns
Please keep Katherine Parker, our missionary, and the people of Nepal in your prayers.
Katherine Parker, missionary with Global Ministries who serves as part of the Health Team of the United Mission to Nepal (UMN), shares a new list of prayer requests as response efforts in Nepal continue after the April 25 earthquake.
- Please pray for the seven emergency community health facilitators, local health workers and female community health volunteers as they spend the next three months sharing key health messages and coordinating nutrition, reproductive health, psycho-social support and WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) responses in remote parts of Dhading district.
- Please pray for the provision and distribution of seed stock so that farmers can plant this year’s crop before the monsoon and avert future food insecurity.
- Please pray for those whose homes are severely damaged or destroyed that monsoon stable housing can be quickly constructed.
- Please pray for those living in the far north where even walking paths have been damaged that needed imports like salt will be available in sufficient supply.
- Please pray for UMN’s on-going long-term development work in other less-affected districts that they will not be forgotten and projects will flourish. Pray especially for our office in Doti (far-western region) that was also damaged during an aftershock.
- Please pray for those who have lost family members and homes.
Karen Merkle who often attended our church, died June 4, 2015 of pancreatic cancer. She moved back East several years ago and was thrilled with her life there. Condolences can be emailed to the family at
Megan Timberlake is asking for prayers for her ex-husband, Ernest R. Style III, as he struggles with serious illness.
Deby McFadyen is requesting prayers for three young friends who are battling cancer. Please remember Sarah Talkington, Carolyn Thomas and Jimmy Lowe in your prayers.
Sandra Kokoruda (Fran Smith’s daughter) update: Sandra thanks everyone for their prayers and concerns. Fran reports that Sandra is more animated and cheerful than she has been in months. Sandra has undergone 5 chemo treatments and feels good. Both Fran and Sandra ask that prayers continue.
Pat Dornan and Linda Pereira continue to need your prayers of support. Update: Hospice services have started. Pat says that Linda is failing. She can no longer stand, is having more difficulty with chocking on food and is sleeping more.
Robbie Robinson would appreciate your prayers.
Helen Wysham welcomes your prayers for healing as she undergoes chemotherapy.
Bobby and Pamella Hall would like to be remembered in prayer as they go through some difficult personal times.
Arpha MacIntyre is much better. Update: She has been able to return to living independently in her apartment. She is grateful for our prayers of support and healing. Arpha played the piano at our church for many years. If you wish to send a card: Sierra View Homes Retirement Community, 1155 E. Springfield Ave., Reedly, CA 93654. Jane Carnall visited with Arpha in May and Arpha is thrilled to be getting cards and messages of love from our church community.
Please keep the people of Camp Liberty in your prayers as chaos reigns in Iraq and near the camp.
Katherine Parker, missionary in Nepal: Katherine reports that the emphasis now will be on long-term recovery efforts in Dhang province. Katherine will continue to work with WASH, nutrition and psycho-social support. Non-earthquake work is resuming and Katherine will soon be traveling to Rukum and Rupandehi for the baseline survey of their community health program focusing on maternal and child health.
The classical piano concert that Dennis Johnson performed last Saturday brought in over $1,500 for Spirit in Action. The concert was lovely and we are hoping he will do one again next year.
United Methodist Women have packed up 10 school kits to go to the CA/NV Conference for eventual delivery to the depot in Salt Lake City for UMCOR to release into the world of the disadvantaged. Much appreciation to all those who helped by giving items, giving money for purchase of items and for shoppers and packers. A special Thank You to Linda Woody-Wood for again making beautiful bags to hold the items.
New Church Brochure: The new brochure is here! Pick one up and share with your friends.
Mark your calendar!
The 7th Annual
Jean Eakle Art Auction and Gala
Saturday, September 26, 2015 from 4-7 p.m. at
The Point San Pablo Yacht Club
@ 700 W. Cutting Blvd. in Richmond located
on San Francisco Bay.
Invite your friends and neighbors!
This is our second largest fundraiser.
Donations needed at this time !
Do you craft, knit, crochet, make jewelry, sculpt, paint etc., or would like to donate cash or gift certificates for auction and door prizes?
Please contact:
Diane @ or Debbie @;
or bring your tax deductible donations to:
Richmond First United Methodist Church @ 201 Martina St.,
Point Richmond (at the corner of W. Richmond and Martina St.)
on Sunday’s between 10-11 am or 12-1 pm
New Public Address System
Our public address system has served our church well for many years, but it is nearing the end of its service. A new sound system is on the horizon for our church. The choir and the congregation need to be able to hear the spoken and sung word in our worship services. The Administrative Board has discussed the matter fully and has decided to encourage your giving to this project. A new public address system will serve the needs of the church for future generations both with the spoken word and with the music that is presented in the church. Please pray and contribute what you can to help us achieve this good goal. This will help us continue in ministry serving the needs of the whole community.
How You Can Help
You can purchase a Piano Key for $45. Choose your key and color it or sign it or both! Sale of the entire keyboard will get us to our goal.
If you would like to donate for relief for the people of Nepal, go to the Advance.
Don’t forget that donations for Imagine No Malaria are always welcome.
Please add donations to the church for Katherine Parker so that we can continue to sponsor her good work. It costs $250 per year to be sponsors.
Sunday, June 14, 3 pm Kelly Hope (Bob Hope’s son) will be speaking about his father. This is a fundraiser for the Kitchen Revival Committee of El Sobrante UMC. This should be a fun event. Donations $15. El Sobrante UMC, 670 Appian Way, El Sobrante.
An Evening of Music: Sunday, June 14, 6:30 pm. Pinole United Methodist Church is presenting an evening of music for our enjoyment. Free will donations at door. Pinole UMC, 2000 San Pablo Ave., Pinole. Please see flyer.
Ca/Nev Annual Conference, June 17-20 (Wed. thru Sat.). This year’s theme is ” Engaging Faith in the Public Square”. Registration is now open at San Francisco Airport Hyatt Regency, 1333 Old Bayshore Hwy, Burlingame, CA.
Thurs. June 18, at 5:45 p.m. – MFSA/Advocacy and Justice Dinner at New Vision UMC, 450 Chadbourne Ave. in Millbrae (2 mi. from the CA/NV Conference Convention site), with guest speakers The Rev. Sharon Delgado on “Global Migration, Climate Justice, & System Change,” and immigration attorney Sharron Williams on “Immigration: Children at Our Borders – the Effect of DAPA & Extended DACA on Families.” Also attending will be The Rev. Israel Alvaran, this year’s Bishop Kelly Peace and Justice Award winner. RSVP by June 11th by completing the form on the attached flyer and mailing it with your $20 check. Seating is limited. Please join us.
Save the Dates: June 14-20 for Mt. Lassen Journey Farthest Out Camp. The camp provides a time apart for spiritual growth and opening our lives to God physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The vision is to provide a place where all people are accepted with the unconditional love that Jesus shares. All ages are welcome. Registration is open through “Mt. Lassen JFO”.
Sunday, June 21, Father’s Day Jazz Service: Dan Damon Jazz Quartet, 11 am Service with singer Sheilani Alix.
The Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) is meeting in San Antonio, Texas in conjunction with the Reconciling Ministries Network. Gather at the River, Thursday, August 6 to Sunday, August 9. The conference will be working on issues of justice throughout the church and resolutions they would like to see presented at the General Conference in 2016. Register at
Vacation Bible School will be the week of August 10 thru 14. Contact Jean Reynolds if you would like to help at this is always a fun event and much looked forward to by the children and the helpers.
Please send submissions for FUMC News and Events to Barbara Haley, editor:
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